Changelog -- rsback

Version 0.8.0 (2023-11-22)

  • Module Capture::Tiny is used to capture output of system commands for better logging.
  • New parameters pre_hook and post_hook to execute system commands before an after a task

Version 0.7.0 (2021-10-24)

  • termitate with exit code > 0 if an error occured

Version 0.6.7 (2018-01-06)

  • Create lock_dir if it doesn't exist.

Version 0.6.6 (2015-12-23)

  • Bugfix (problem with the each hash iterator) for Perl versions >= 18.2

Version 0.6.5 (2010-10-24)

  • Sorting issue when building history file fixed.
    Thanks to Gunnar Scherf.

  • If a previous job failed there may be left an incomplete temporary destination directory backup.0.
    To avoid mixed up backup sets, this directory will be removed before backup starts.
    Thanks to Falke Bruinsma for the hint.

Version 0.6.4 (2008-01-10)

  • Minor bug fix: rsback logs 'rsync error ignored' in case of rsync errors, despite the exit
    code of the result was not in the list of ignore_rsync_errors. The error handling was correct,
    but the word 'ignored' was wrong.

  • Archives won't be rotated if the temporary backup set doesn't exist after the rsync job. This can happen
    if certain rsnync exit codes have been ignored before (parameter ingnore_rsync_errors). Rotation in such
    cases can result in loss of archives, otherwise.

  • Backup date/time of fresh archive are logged now during rotation.

  • History file will be rebuild if entries are missing.

Version 0.6.3 (2007-12-07)

  • Bug fix:
    The parameter use_link_dest was not evaluated correctly under certain circumstances. As a side effecta strange
    behavior in mode = link could be the result. This bug contained in versions 0.6.0 thru 0.6.2 was fixed.

Version 0.6.2 (2007-11-25)

  • New parameter update = <task> (in mode = rsync)
    This causes just a "simple" rsync on the most recent backup set of the refered task (no rotation). There are
    no other parameters necessary, they are taken from the refered task section.
    To get consistent backups of live systems (data bases, virtual machines, ...) these have to be shutdown before.
    To speedup backups of such systems, this procedure may help in some cases:

    • Step 1: Run a backup task of the running system (live-backup). Use ignore_rsync_errors = 24 (vanished source files).
    • Step 2: Shutdown the system`
    • Step 3: Run a task with update = live-backup to take an update snapshot of the backup from Step 2.
    • Step 4: Restart the system. The downtime (during step 3) should be considerably shorter compared to step 1 because only those files which have
      changed in the meantime have to be transfered.
  • Warnings are now written to STDOUT, too. This may be helpful if rsback is lauched by cron jobs with commands like
    rsback -vc /etc/rsback-mywork.config >> /var/log/rsback/mywork.log
    In this case, usually the owner of the job will be informed by mail if something went wrong (was written to STDERR).
    But errors have not been written to the log file (STDOUT) which made debugging often difficult. This can now be changed with
    warnings_to_stdout = yes

  • Re-sorted CANGELOG. last entry first now.

Version 0.6.1 (2007-07-28)

  • rsync exit values as clear text messages
  • added a script which updates repositories made with rsback-0.5.x and before
  • some typos fixed
  • code cleaning

Version 0.6.1rc1 (2007-05-06)

  • some Bug fixes
    • entry for backup.0 removed from histroy file
    • make sure that before moving (during rotation) destination directories are empty

Version 0.6.0 (2007-04-??) / Proof of concept

  • Support for rsync --link-dest
    Parameter: use_link_dest = yes|no
    may be used in [global] or [some_task]

  • Schema of backup repository has changed: Index of backup sets is now 1, 2, 3, ...
    Using backup repositories made with older versions one has to rotate once "manually": Supposed we have 5 backup sets (0 .. 4), we have to rotate...

    # mv backup.4 backup.5
    # mv backup.3 backup.4
    # mv backup.2 backup.3
    # mv backup.1 backup.2
    # mv backup.0 backup.1

Version 0.5.0rc4 (2006-03-20)

  • Bugfix: Reported exit values of system/shell commands should now be correct.

  • Bugfix: non-existing paramter global:backup with option -i changed to global:tasks

  • Bugfix: Trailing white space removed from config parameters

  • Bugfix: Parameter lists containing quotation marks; things like

    rsync_options = -al --delete --delete-excluded \
                  --rsh="ssh -i /root/.ssh/id_dsa" \
                  -vv --stats

    should work now.

  • Continuation lines as in the examples above may be used now.

  • A couple of new features/parameters:

    • global:rsync_options is now mandatory

    • Locking mechanism to avoid race conditions of backup tasks

      global:lock_dir = /path/to/lock-files
      if_locked_retry = 3 10min
    • Error handling

      • Continue with next task in case of errors?
        global:if_error_continue = yes
      • Ignore certain rsync errors
        ' ignore_rsync_errors = 12 24'
      • Undo (rotate back) in case of errors? if_error_undo = yes
    • Suspend tasks (temporarily)
      suspend_file = /var/work/_dont_backup_now_

    • Trigger tasks (once only)
      trigger_file = /home/fritz/_backup_please_ This trigger_file should be writetable by rsback, because it will be removed after succefull backup

Version 0.4.2 (2002-10-26)

  • The example configuration files under ../etc contained trailing CRs in each line. Customized
    configs based on these examples may have produced weird problems at runtime. This was fixed.

Version 0.4.1 (2002-07-27)

  • First published version
  • Some minor changes
  • Documentation added

Version 0.4.0 (2002-07-16)

  • Previous backup sets will now be back-rotated if the backup has not been finished successfully.
    Thus old backup sets remain untouched if the backup fails.

  • If rsync_options=--dry-run``(simulation) andmode=rsync` is selected, rotation of previous backup
    sets will be skipped.

Version 0.3.2 (2002-07-16)

  • Removed some relicts from former debug runs.
  • Output changed, to make it better readable in mixed rsback/rsync logs.
  • Header line added to history files.
  • New paramter `rsync_options``to specify additonal rsync options in the config file.

Version 0.3.1 (2002-07-12)

  • First beta used in production environment